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Wills, Probate & Power of Attorney

Today we're talking about Wills, Probate & Power of Attorney.

Having a will that controls the distribution of your assets and empowers your heirs to be able to administer your estate is a simple document, that takes only a little time to prepare, but can save your loved ones hours of anxiety and stress after your passing. At Ashmore & Ashmore we believe that proper planning can greatly benefit your loved ones after your death and assist them through difficult times. More importantly, it will allow you to decide who will be the beneficiary of your estate, instead of Texas State law determining who will receive your assets. Powers of Attorney Having a durable power of attorney as well as a medical power of attorney are invaluable to have your wishes respected during your life, when you may be prevented from acting on your own behalf due to illness, infirmity, or some other reason. Taking the time to prepare these simple documents can allow you to designate the person(s) you trust to make medical and financial decisions for you if you become unable to do so for some reason.

Here at AX2, we're ready to get to work for you, in any capacity that you need!



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