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Spousal Support in Texas

Getting Divorced? What are my options for divorce in Texas? Texas is known to be a no alimony state, but that's not entirely true, it's just notoriously hard to qualify in Texas.

Today we're going to break it down for you, and help you figure out when you may be entitled to spousal support.

How can you qualify for spousal support?

Those seeking spousal support (or maintenance) must prove their eligibility and at least one of the following two factors:

  1. The paying spouse received deferred adjudication or was convicted for family violence no more than two years before divorcing or during the divorce.

  2. The spouse seeking alimony cannot earn an adequate income and they either suffer from an incapacitating condition that affects their earning ability, they must care for a disabled child of the marriage or they were married for ten years or longer.

**Even when spouses have a settlement and agree that one party deserves spousal maintenance, the above factors still apply.

How Much and How Long?

In Texas, typically the judge in our state will award one or the other, whichever is lesser: 20% of the paying spouses income OR $5,000 per month.

Spousal suppost lasts usually no more than a decade, unless there is a child or the receiving spouse suffers a disability. Even then, lasting a decade usually only applies to marriages that lasted 30+ years.


Ashmore &. Ashmore is experienced in spousal alimony and support. Let us get to work for you!

Visit our website for more information:



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