KC Ashmore took to the open road today in participation with Coast X Coast, to honor and remember those killed in Afghanistan one week ago today.
As a work family, we have mourned the loss of the brave men and women that died last week, and hope to convey our deepest condolences and prayers to the families.
Coast X Coast is a veterans service organization that raises money for Goldstar families whose sons and daughters were killed in action. All of the honorees are special forces operators or their supporters in military combat.
An exert from the groups website:
"In October of 2012 a team of Special Operations members raided a house in northern Afghanistan, in search of a High Value Individual (HVI). Immediately after their helicopters landed the team came under intense machine gun fire. In an effort to suppress the threat and defend his team mates Ryan Savard rushed towards the gun fire. He was killed while defending his team mates so they could safely get off of their helicopters. Two other members of the team were wounded that night while attempting to provide medical aid to Ryan.
In the summer of 2014, while deployed in Northern Iraq, two active duty soldiers, Cris Valley and Jason Buck, dreamed up the Coast x Coast Ride for the Fallen as a way to honor the memory of their friend Ryan Savard as well as raise funds for, and lend support to, those who have lost loved ones in combat.
Once the deployment was over, they took action and organized the first Ride For the Fallen which took place in September 2014."
Visit their website here: https://coastxcoast.org/
Today we celebrate their lives & mourn the loss of soldiers gone to soon.
Thank you for your commitment to our country, and bravery overseas. You will not be forgotten!
