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In Texas, should we hire a divorce attorney if my spouse & I agree on everything??

My spouse and I agree on everything or nearly everything—do I still need a divorce attorney? We hear this question often, so the question remains, in Texas, do you really need a divorce attorney if you agree on everything with your spouse?

In Texas, you are not required to have aDivorce might seem simple if you know how you want to divide things, but it’s a complicated legal process that can be confusing if you don’t have a law background.

Divorce might seem simple if you know how you want to divide things, but it’s a complicated legal process that can be confusing if you don’t have a law background.

Before you decide to go through a divorce with an attorney, here are just a few reasons you may want legal representation.

Explain the Legal Process
Do you fully understand the divorce process? You’ll also need to understand all of the laws that pertain to spousal support, child support, child custody, and asset and debt division. At Ashmore & Ashmore, we have this knowledge and years of resources and experience.

When you hire Ashmore & Ashmore, you instantly have access to an expert in the process. Your attorney can explain the process from start to finish. This helps you know what to expect, which can take some of the stress out of divorce.

Advice on Difficult Situations
With any circumstance that comes up, your case shifts. You could end up getting a bad deal if you’re not getting expert advice from a lawyer, especially if you have children and/or assets, or a business.

Your lawyer can help you develop a parenting plan that benefits both parents and keeps the kids as the primary focus.

The easy answer is, YES, you need an Attorney. You need Ashmore & Ashmore Law Firm on YOUR side.

Give us a call, or fill out a contact form for a free consultation.



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