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CLE Training Day at AX2

Happy Thursday folks! Today we're sharing a glimpse into our CLE training day we had last week.

Date of course Thursday 6.26.2021

Title -ethical representation of clients in the criminal courts, as well as the duties owed to the indigent, in pre-trial, trial & appellate matters.

The Honorable Barbara Hervey and the Honorable Michael Keasler presented a continuing education seminar on ethical representation of clients in criminal matters. The course focused on burdens and standards of professional /zealous representation as well as ethical representation of clients and of indigent clients in the criminal Pretrial and trial process, and the criminal appellate process. The panelists are the Honorable Barbara Hervey. Judge Hervey served the state of Texas both as a prosecutor for 16 years and since 2000, on the court of criminal appeals. Judge Hervey is active in many law-enforcement and criminal justice boards and panels with the State Bar Association and with the Governor’s office and many other legislative offices/efforts.

The other panelist was the Honorable Michael Keasler; who has long served the State of Texas as a prosecutor, later as a State District Court Judge and finally as a Judge on the Court of Criminal Appeals. Judge Keasler retired from the Court in the last few years but remains active in the criminal appeal and criminal justice community.


We were also joined by retired Judge Michael Chitty and Ms. Margaret Spain.

Title -advocating for and representing clients who face issues related to child custody, allegations of abuse/toxic relationships in parent child cases.

The course focused on the specific challenges, and complications that come from advocating in cases where (whether original divorce proceedings or suits affecting the parent child relationship), where there are allegations of toxic and unhealthy parental relationships/abuse relating to children. The course focused on specific pleading and persuasion requirements for relief requesting attorneys to be appointed for the children and the protection of the health, safety, welfare and best interest standards of the children.

The Honorable Michael Chitty is a retired District Court judge who presided over the 422nd district Court (a of general jurisdiction) in Kaufman County Texas from 2004 till 2020.

Margaret “Meega“ Spain is an attorney with significant experience in child matters related to family law. For many years, Miss Spain has served counties in North Texas as an advocate for children in abusive and toxic situations. Miss Spain considers this to be her calling and is a true labor of love to protect and help these young children.


We greatly appreciate the time these distinguished guests took out of their afternoons to spend time with us, sharing their wisdom and knowledge so freely. Our firm is constantly looking to grow, learn, and better ourselves, and we look forward to the next CLE day in the office.



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