At Ashmore & Ashmore Law Firm we are your trusted legal partner for all your
family custody matters during divorce in Rockwall and Terrell, Texas. Going
through a divorce can be an emotionally challenging time, particularly when
it comes to child custody disputes. Our dedicated team of family law
attorneys understands the importance of protecting your parental rights and
ensuring the well-being of your children. Whether you're facing custody
battles, visitation issues, or any other custody-related matters, we are here to
provide you with expert representation and guidance.
Divorce generally involves the dependent children of the marriage, and if
the parents cannot reach an agreement as to the issues of their children
(visitation, child custody and support), the court will intervene and solve
the issues on the parents’ behalf in the best interest of the child/children.
Factors regarding the Child’s Best Interest:
the feelings and wishes of child/children;
the child/children’s educational needs
the family’s background and characteristics which the Court may
consider -
any history of abuse, neglect, or harm;
the parent’s abilities to care for and meet the child/children’s needs.
Custody, Visitation, Support:
Divorcing parents of minor children are encouraged to reach an
agreement about the custody of their minor children, even though the
marriage may be ending, the parents need to cooperate in the raising of
their children. The parents can seek a joint conservatorship if they qualify for such duties. Additionally, if a child is over the age of 12, his or her wishes regarding custody may be heard by the Court.
One parent (and that parent’s home) will be designated the primary residence for the children, with reasonable visitation set in place for the non-custodial parent. The court will approve a reasonable agreement by the parties regarding visitation or will impose standard orders.
Child support guidelines calculate the support obligation as a percentage of the income of the non-custodial parent, who is obligated to support the child. The formula applies a percentage to the income of the parent according to the number of kids requiring support; generally 20% of the gross income of the non-custodial parent must go to support one child, and increases depending on the number of minor children (e.g., 1 child- 20% gross salary; 2 children- 25%; 3 children- 30%; 4 children- 35%; 5 or more children 40%). The non-custodial parent must also generally pay the yearly premium of health insurance and other health expenses not covered by insurance.